Coach Code of Conduct

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FCA Lacrosse Chicago
Coach Code of Conduct
(Our Expectations of Coaches)

We believe that God’s greatest commandment is to love Him with our heart, soul, mind and strength. We believe that these four elements can be introduced and cultivated through sports. We believe that the result will be a fully developed athlete capable of competing in any arena, in any conditions, not for their personal glory but for the glory of God.

We will:

Coach by supporting players become all around leaders.

Maintain a Christ-like behavior and attitude at all practices, games, social gatherings, and events.

Recognize and applaud behavior that demonstrates our values of integrity, teamwork, serving, and excellence.

Acknowledge and appreciate the boys’ growth in faith and maturity.

Affirm our players when good character and healthy sportsmanship are displayed, not just when they have excellent performance on the field.

Serve as role models for our players, speaking with respect and acting courteously toward players, parents, referees, opponents, spectators, and league officials.

Encourage our boys with positive statements, even when they make mistakes, and refrain from yelling criticism at any player, coach, referee, or spectator. Practice Positive Coaching Alliance principles.

Accept responsibility for our behavior. We understand that what we do and say affects the team and parents either positively or negatively.

Lead courageously and live with integrity, doing the right thing regardless of the circumstances or consequences.

Find ways to serve others and be generous and encouraging with parents from other programs/teams.

Control our words and emotions, refraining from derogatory, demeaning talk and profanity.

Place the safety and welfare of our players first.

Because we represent our family, players, team, IBLA, and FCA, we abide by this Coaching Code of Conduct.

Our coaches are also asked to agree to the IBLA code of conduct included in the linked PDF below.

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